Privacy Policy

Information Collection: Upon creating an account League 4 Us asks for the user's Full name, Email, and Password, and if the user signs up as a player, (he, or she) has to give the player name, game (he, she) interested in, date and time of his availability any opposite player (he, she) like to mention, status of this player according to his gaming history.

User Choices and Control: League 4 Us focus on providing the best gaming notification you ever had and for that we prevent and lower the risk of trashy notification and put total control of our app in the hand of our subscribers from their end users can customize if they won't match updates, new players joining, who wants to follow them.

Data Security: League 4 Us protects user information from unauthorized access or disclosure, we process personal information based on your interactions with us and our services, the choices you make, and the features you utilize within the legal reason.

Data Usage: Info provided within the app is only used for enhancement and app performance. No sensitive personal information will be used.

Data Sharing: Our affiliates and business partners will get a piece of your information to offer you certain services, promotions, or products.

Policy Updates: We do not change our policy, but in case we feel the need after evaluating our users, We will be sending you a notification of “policy update”.

Contact Information: Always here to hear you out for direct interaction and instead support the use or app support option for any misunderstanding and account-related queries contact us on this email: